Kona og barn gróðursetja tré


Working together towards sustainability

We made great strides on our sustainability journey in 2021, working enthusiastically towards more sustainable finances that contribute to a better environment and society.

Stúlka á reiðhjóli

Key sustainability initiatives

We assessed GHG emissions from our credit portfolio, updated our focus on the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs) and held two green bond issuances. The Bank’s Sustainable Financing Label was created and we introduced a new savings account and fund to contribute to sustainability. We also achieved our best ESG risk rating from Sustainalytics to date.

Maður við virkjun

Climate issues

We endeavour to know the environmental impact of our activities. Work on analysing our carbon footprint and impact on society is on-going.

Barn í lopapeysu með lopahúfu

Sustainability accounts

We comply with the GRI Standards option and the report also functions as a Communication of Progress report to the UN Global Compact.

Fólk á fundi

Human resources and equality

Much as in 2020, the Bank’s activities this year were coloured by the various challenges posed by Covid-19. Put simply, the challenge has been to balance health precautions for the Bank’s employees while also continuing operation and maintaining a high service level.

Frá afhendingu námsstyrkja árið 2021.

Collaboration, support and instruction

We participate in various projects that encourage development and progress in the community. Grants from our Community Fund are awarded to diverse projects and, in addition, we support local initiatives independently and through partnership agreements.


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